The Persecuted Church (Part 1)

Willie Crew / 21 July 2022

Take a look at the Persecution of the Church by numbers

Echoes of the Kingdom

Over the years, the Lord has done incredible things in His Kingdom. This can certainly be seen throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, as well as in modern-day churches and ministries around the world.


Some of the stories of God’s work in drawing people from every tongue, tribe, nation, and language have also happened in the life of the World Mission Centre. Echoes of the Kingdom will, from time to time, publish stories of what God has done through World Mission Centre that we pray will spur you on to a higher level of faith and greater work in the Kingdom of God.


The Persecuted Church

Contribute to the Cause

The Mozambican Women

The Mozambican Women

   Sitting in his office in Pretoria, Willie Crew opened his inbox to find an email from a friend, Andre Du Plessis, saying he had received a word of knowledge that he felt was for someone in Mozambique. The word was for healing for a woman who suffered...

The Vision

The Vision

With all the chaos around the world that we find ourselves in, Willie & Lydia Crew created a website called Sounding a Clear Call.

Fellowship of Elders

To be and not to do!

There are seasoned leaders in the Kingdom of God, men and woman in various parts of the world who have been on journey with the Lord for many years. They have a track record of integrity in their ministries and are sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit when He speaks.

The Fellowship of Elders is not another project or ministry, but rather a community of “veteran” believers who pray together, encourage one another, and share their knowledge and experiences so that each member is spurred on in his or her own ministry. From their walk with the Lord, the focus of those in the Fellowship is to listen to the Lord and each other and give insight when necessary. We believe that Christian camaraderie and community is something that is sincerely needed in the uncertain times we live in.

Churches on Mission

Willie began his ministry understanding that the missing ingredient to completing the task of reaching the lost is the local church. Over the years, and after decades of working with pastors and believers around the world, he can bear witness that when the local church grasps a vision for evangelism and equips its members to engage the unreached, the gospel is unstoppable.

Willie began his ministry understanding that the missing ingredient to completing the task of reaching the lost is the local church.

“I have always believed, and still do, that there is a latent dynamic in the local church. If we can only mobilize this dynamic, more could be done in this broken world than anyone could imagine.”

– Willie Crew

Over the years, and after decades of working with pastors and believers around the world, he can bear witness that when the local church grasps a vision for evangelism and equips its members to engage the unreached, the gospel is unstoppable.

There are many churches around the world, both small and large, doing amazing work in reaching the lost, planting new churches, and serving their communities with acts of kindness. Churches on Mission plans to tell their stories with the belief that they will challenge, enthuse, and inspire other churches to be on mission. We long to see as many local churches as possible trained and released to their full potential in evangelism.

Willie & Lydia Crew

Pastor Willie Crew and his wife, Lydia, are the founders of World Mission Centre. They have been married for 49 years and have three children.
Willie was in business for 11 years in Durban, South Africa before entering the ministry in 1980. Once he completed his studies at the Hatfield School of Theology, he served as Director of Church Planting and Missions at Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria for six years. During his time in leadership, Hatfield planted a total of 209 churches in various cities and towns of South Africa.
Willie and Lydia founded World Mission Centre, a South African mission organization in 1989. They are currently the International Ambassadors of World Mission Centre and spend most of their time mentoring the leaders and volunteers of the ministry.
World Mission Centre is a registered Section 21 Company (not for gain) in South Africa and is also registered as a 501(c)3 organization in the United States, with an office in Irmo, South Carolina.

Willie is a cutting-edge facilitator motivated by Acts 1:8. His gifts as a visionary and strategist for missions are surely from God.

Willie recounts, “When we started out in 1989, South Africans could hardly travel outside of our own country. A few years later, Nelson Mandela was released and the ‘new’ South Africa was born. Suddenly, we had a passport that could take us to almost any nation in the world. Today, South Africans are found all over the globe. I never could have dreamed what role World Mission Centre would play in the mobilization of South Africa to missions. It has been an amazing walk of faith to say the least.”

Willie is a sought-after public speaker and a world-renowned evangelism strategist who works tirelessly to mobilize Christians to reach those that have not heard the gospel.

Traveling extensively allows Willie to meet with many Christian and secular leaders. This not only gives Willie a broad overview of what God is doing throughout the world, but also gives him a keen understanding of events in the international arena.


Look at What God is Doing

Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not stop me” (Matt. 16:18). Christ’s unstoppable power to build, fortify, and grow the Church, His bride, has not wavered since He ascended into heaven.

Look at What God is Doing will highlight stories –happening in real time – of believers around the world who are boldly sharing the gospel and planting churches in the unlikeliest of places. These stories will be current and ongoing, and our hope is that the reader will be encouraged to join the work by giving, praying, and going.

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